Articles, videos and processes to help you understand, heal and manage Complex PTSD impacts.
Soul Mission Landed meditation
✴️🍃 SOUL MISSION LANDED 🍃✴️ Those words have been calling hard on me the last few months. Couldn’t ignore them. Had to open into them. Those who know me for my work in psychology, may not know a lot about my background in practices of soul work, spirituality, energy...
Your needs are valid
Your needs are valid. If you have been impacted by developmental trauma, there are certain core needs for safety and validation of your emerging self that simply went unmet. And they didn’t go anywhere. Your personality and ways of functioning in the world...
Our need for contact
Contact. It's starts when we are young and the contact and care are chaotic or disrupted or unpredictable or just not there. Maybe abuse is there instead or as well as love. It goes underground. On the outside a part of us functions and copes. Another whole world...
Crayons, drums and layers
Healing trauma is a lot about working with the body’s natural rhythms, creating an environment of warm attunement, where safety is felt and a kind of natural alchemy can happen between body based trauma memory and more resourceful states. It can be helpful to use...
Just move your little toe – starting slow to come into your body
The other day I was lying in bed on a weekend morning. I was feeling flat and low and aware I was falling into that awful in between zone of not awake and not asleep where weird dreams can happen and reality can feel a bit warpy. There were some good reasons why I...
Book Intro: ‘The Betrayal Bond: Breaking Free of Exploitative Relationships’
"Betrayal bonds" or more recently understood and referred to as "trauma bonds" are relationships we find ourselves intensely bound inside of, even when overall they are destructive to our self esteem and healthy functioning. They get created through a unique chemical...
Building your healing container
Healing trauma requires that you create and nurture a container for your own healing in your adult life that provides the safe connection and kind seeing needed for implicit (body based) trauma memories to experience something new and evolve.
Make the good stuff work for you
A reminder .. find something resourceful in your world today, something you like the taste of, a text message from a friend, an achievement at work, a noticing of your own patience or strength .. find something resourceful and ... ... slow down for just 10 seconds....
Traumatic attachment, hyper vigilance and finding your own movement from within
We all have a natural movement from within. A life energy that wants to move and animate the body. If we listen to it and act on it we will discover it has its own intelligence and can lead us forward into an authentic and rewarding life. The defences and self...
Was it trauma?
Was it trauma? ‘I don’t know if what happened to me was actually trauma’ ‘Mostly my childhood was pretty normal .. Dad just drank a bit (or Mum was always with the put-downs) ..’ ‘All that was a long time ago, I’m past all that, I’ve got a good job and a partner who...