Creating the best environment to support the intelligent energy in you that knows how to heal

Creating the best environment to support the intelligent energy in you that knows how to heal

There is an intelligent energy that moves in all of us that knows what’s needed for our healing and growth. Call it wisdom or vital energy or life force or whatever fits for you.

You need to:

A. Recognise when and how it shows up for you and

B. Create the right conditions for it to operate to create in your life .. to connect what needs connecting .. to open what needs opening .. to meet what needs meeting .. to soothe what needs soothing.

There is a right order about all this. And patterns inside patterns that lead to a still point and a beautiful flowing vibrance. Get in touch to put some empathy, attunement, compassionate seeing, secure support in place as you notice and allow your own movement into truth and freedom.


rewire 4 life blog

Articles, videos and resources for healing complex and relational trauma.

You’re strong because you’ve had to be.

You’re strong because you’ve had to be.

You’re strong because you’ve had to be. Life hasn’t worked out the way you expected. It’s hard.

You wonder about the parallel you and life you could have had.

You’ve learned a lot. Books and workshops and all kinds of therapy, because you know you are more than your current circumstances.

There’s a dream in there, dusty as it may be.

You may feel desperate at time, or stuff it down at others.

Let me help you join the dots, follow the trail, the misty haze from early life, that you thought you had left behind long ago.

To see how adverse childhood experiences saw your brain adapt, your nervous system work harder, your mind swing from pushing through to breaking down.

Again and again.

Let me help you soften and open enough for the authentic you to rise up and fill the space.

Let me help you to breathe freely and create your life, moment to moment, from this wise and alive place inside you.

That is also awake and intelligent and flowing in the world around you.

It all is you.

rewire 4 life blog

Articles, videos and resources for healing complex and relational trauma.

Soothing with your own song

Soothing with your own song

When a very young child part is in distress, a lovely way to bring soothing is to sing to them.

Think about that lovely free way children sometimes sing to themselves or anyone who will listen, a song about ‘we are going in the car, to the shop, today to the shops, there’s ice-cream at the shops’  kind of sing song nonsense and more about sounding out than the literal meaning of the song.

Think about how parents sing lullabies to children, then the song runs out and the child demands more, so the parent is left singing in soothing tones about nothing in particular.

Yesterday I was lying in bed and a young part was in distress, thinking she had lost a friend and was all alone in the world.

I started sounding in bed, like an ongoing chant, using the words ‘oooohhhhh’ and ‘aaaahhhhh’ and feeling what they brought to the tension in my belly and my heart.

Before long I found the chant-style sounds had become a lullaby to myself, about how my chest feels and how my belly feels and about how “I’m here for you” and “You’re here for me”.

It was a very soothing, grounding practice, it kept my attention both with my inner state and with the adult part of me capable of bringing something needed to it.

Have an explore with using your own voice in a chant or gentle song to bring contact and soothing and presence to a young part.  Maybe you’ll make up your own lullaby to sing (ideally) or record and playback.

Your very own sound healing.

rewire 4 life blog

Articles, videos and resources for healing complex and relational trauma.

A flicker of the old pattern – micro-dosing the pain exposure

A flicker of the old pattern – micro-dosing the pain exposure

I was sitting down by the beach at the end of the day, taking in the setting sun.  I had been reflecting on how stable my inner world had been of late, then an old pattern showed up, just as a flicker, the whole journey of it, there in a flicker.  Triggered by some uncertainty inside a friendship, unsure how trustable things were, and an old pattern that shows up as terror, abandonment and chaos flickered to life inside me.

I was able to speak to it with words of logic and allow it to feel held by the general sense of community around me and the grace of nature.  There was much more of me in a resourceful state than was attached to the flicker of the traumatic memory.

I saw my old pattern of wanting to get busy and put things in place to stop the abandoned chaos from being there, then caught myself and met the feeling sense of this pattern in my body again, round two, and allowed the rhythm and waves of the ocean and nature space around me to soothe the unsettled rhythms in my body.  Then I became very aware of the larger, calm wise whole being back in the driver’s seat.  Able to act or not act.  At choice.  Holding and soothing the traces of pain.

This is ideally how we want processing sessions to be – a microdose of the pain pattern and lots of soothing and resource to surround it.

rewire 4 life blog

Articles, videos and resources for healing complex and relational trauma.

Held by the rhythm of it all

Held by the rhythm of it all

A flu and the CFS have my body tired. I lay down on a wooden bench at the beach and let the sounds and sensations hold me. 

The gentle air moving, playing over the top of my body. The hard wooden bench below, bigger than me, a secure feeling, it straightens my back, opens my spine and tired stuck organs and muscles splay out.   Three long slow birds in the distance and some chattier ones closer by. The waves turning, cycling over and over, so reassuring. Endless, timeless. 

The day is overcast but the sun filters through clouds and gently warms me from the north. 

Just now this is what’s most important, being held by the rhythm of it all. I can resume mind questions later if need be. 

And the space opens up bigger inside me, more muscle melting. Breath larger and rounder, a consuming beauty. My arm and the wood of the bench seeming to be of the same substance, melded, gently animated. 

The life and the rhythms that are larger than me, move through me, of the same fabric as me.

rewire 4 life blog

Articles, videos and resources for healing complex and relational trauma.