What grounds me

What grounds me

Yesterday I had planned to write the intro to the grounding section of the course.  You’ve got to laugh, I became aware after a while that I was very ungrounded.  Any thoughts of pushing myself to sit down and write would not have borne fruit.  Probably lots of very boring heady words.

I had been unwell, but had nine clear days to sit and write before the new year of work started again and my timetable said I should be writing about grounding today.  I was feeling a little stressed and disappointed that I couldn’t get myself into the right headspace and flow for it.

So I started fiddling with a few things around the house.  Before I knew it I was full on into cleaning the inside of my car.  This was no ordinary clean that any neat types amongst you might imagine.  It was six months worth of putting stuff in it and not taking it out.  And sand, lots of sand.  I decided that as I live by the beach, I wouldn’t fuss about sand, but there were the makings of a fine beach emerging through the carpet.

It was a hot day and before I knew it I was completely immersed in the task.  One small part and then the next, each leading to the other, then finally the satisfaction of a job well done.  Later, I met a new friend for dinner.  We clicked and found humour in small things, slowly revealing a little of ourselves to the other.  We shared a little touch as we sat together talking animatedly and my body warmed.  Today I noticed I was losing energy feeling sad around an unresolved issue with another friend.  I made another effort to reach out and speak from my heart.  It worked at least enough for the moment and I felt a little more whole.

I met another friend for lunch.  We ordered an old fashioned burger and chips and I also ordered a chocolate milkshake (don’t normally eat much dairy).  We talked about personal and universal themes, then played pinball a while at this fantastic old school milk bar near the airport at Coollangatta.

On the way home I lay on the beach a while, let the sun beat down and the sand get in my hair (and yes, back in the car!).  I came home and lay on my sunlounger and let some time drift by.  Let the busyness and drama of the christmas season float by me.  Allowed myself to sink deeply into myself, for my rhythm to slow.  To feel the safety of that moment, the holding of the lounger, gentle breeze, quiet birds.

Now I am ready to sit and write.  There is momentum and capacity for it.  Some flow opening.

So what grounds me?

  • being physical
  • being warm and in the sun
  • being connected in and honest, heart-centred and open way with another human – seeing and being seen
  • humour and playfulness
  • conscious, loving touch
  • honouring my emotions and felt sense
  • places that connect me with simpler times
  • hearty food
  • fun without agenda
  • rest
  • the sounds and gentle movement of nature

What grounds you?

Write down 5 things.  Share 2 on Facebook.  Do one today.

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Articles, videos and resources for healing complex and relational trauma.